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L-Carnitine (also known as Carnitine) is an amino-acid derivative found in the skin and is produced from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It plays a key role in energy production within the cells. It activates cellular ß-oxidation (“fat burning”) and reduces intracellular lipid content.
Additionally, Carnitine regulates the production of sebum by promoting the uptake of fatty acids in the mitochondria, converting them into energy. Thus, the fatty acids can no longer be converted into sebum, and the amount of sebum is substantially reduced. Localized application of Carnitine on the skin helps to significantly reduce the amount of sebum.
Creatine, a skin’s own amino acid derivative, is produced from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine in the kidney, liver and pancreas and is mostly stored in muscle cells. As the endogenous creatine synthesis is not sufficient, creatine needs to be supplemented with the diet. Creatine acts as an energy buffer and supports the mitochondrial respiration system during times of increased energy demand: muscle cells store energy in the form of Creatine Phosphate and it is transported to tissue with high energy demands such as hair follicles.
Furthermore, Creatine activates cells to produce skin’s own collagen and elastin (in vitrodata) as these biomolecules are impaired in aged skin.
Warum soll ich Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierendes Shampoo und Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierende Tinktur gemeinsam anwenden?
Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierendes Shampoo wurde speziell zur Vorbereitung Ihrer Kopfhaut auf Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierende Tinktur und zur Unterstützung derer Wirkung entwickelt. Wissenschaftliche Tests haben bewiesen, dass das Eucerin DermoCapillaire revitalisierende Pflegesystem zur Stärkung der Haarwurzel beiträgt und den Haarausfallprozess verzögert.
Können die Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierenden Produkte ein Nachwachsen meines Haares bewirken?
Leider nein, und wir kennen auch kein kosmetisches Produkt, dass dazu imstande wäre. Dermatologische Tests haben jedoch bewiesen, dass Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierendes Shampoo und Eucerin DermoCapillaire Revitalisierende Tinktur zur Stärkung der Haarwurzel beitragen und den Haarausfallprozess verzögern.
Weiterführende Informationen
Carnitine, Creatine
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